Dupes for Freezeframe Night No Needle Topical Micro Injection
We have found 102 dupes for Freezeframe Night No Needle Topical Micro Injection in composition and properties. They also contain Water, Glycerin, Cetyl Ricinoleate.
Total found: 102
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Much less Glycerin Position 14 vs. 2
Less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 5 vs. 3
PHA Eye Cream
32 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Glycerin Position 4 vs. 2
Less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 7 vs. 3
Less Water Position 4 vs. 1
Much less Glycerin Position 29 vs. 2
Less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 6 vs. 3
Rejuvenating Eye Cream
50 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Same concentration of Glycerin Position 2 vs. 2
Much less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 8 vs. 3
Nourishing Night Cream
38 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Glycerin Position 6 vs. 2
Much less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 8 vs. 3
Kate Somerville
ExfoliKate Glow Moisturizer
42 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Much less Glycerin Position 19 vs. 2
Slightly more Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 2 vs. 3
Advanced Retinol Eye Cream
56 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Glycerin Position 3 vs. 2
Less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 7 vs. 3
Rejuvenating Night Cream
45 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Glycerin Position 5 vs. 2
Much less Cetyl Ricinoleate Position 8 vs. 3
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