Dupes for Peripera Ink Mood Glowy Tint
We have found 11 dupes for Peripera Ink Mood Glowy Tint in composition and properties. They also contain Water, Diphenyl Dimethicone, Diisostearyl Malate.
Total found: 11
Glasting Water Tint
35 components
Very similar product!
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Same concentration of Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 2 vs. 2
Same concentration of Diisostearyl Malate Position 3 vs. 3
Glow Recipe
Lip Pop
39 components
Much less Water Position 27 vs. 1
Less Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 6 vs. 2
More Diisostearyl Malate Position 1 vs. 3
Rare Beauty
Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil
39 components
Very similar product!
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Same concentration of Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 2 vs. 2
Same concentration of Diisostearyl Malate Position 3 vs. 3
Vivid Oil Tint 1
40 components
Less Water Position 4 vs. 1
Less Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 6 vs. 2
Slightly more Diisostearyl Malate Position 2 vs. 3
Fruity Squeeze Tint 01
48 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 3 vs. 2
Less Diisostearyl Malate Position 4 vs. 3
Fruity Glass Tint
31 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 4 vs. 2
Same concentration of Diisostearyl Malate Position 3 vs. 3
Sugar Glow Tint (#3 Pink Melon)
44 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 4 vs. 2
Much less Diisostearyl Malate Position 8 vs. 3
Much less Water Position 28 vs. 1
Much less Diphenyl Dimethicone Position 15 vs. 2
Less Diisostearyl Malate Position 4 vs. 3
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