Dupes for B Erl Facial Wash
We have found 14 dupes for B Erl Facial Wash in composition and properties. They also contain Water, Lauric Acid, Sodium Laureth Sulfate.
Total found: 14
Cleanse Liquid Facial Wash
19 components
Less Water Position 2 vs. 1
Less Lauric Acid Position 4 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 9 vs. 3
Brightening Facial Wash
21 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Lauric Acid Position 4 vs. 2
Less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 5 vs. 3
White Story
Acne Facial Wash
18 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Same concentration of Lauric Acid Position 2 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 9 vs. 3
White Story
Brightening Facial Wash
21 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Same concentration of Lauric Acid Position 2 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 8 vs. 3
Acne Care Facial Wash
24 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Less Lauric Acid Position 3 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 9 vs. 3
Hada Labo
Super Hyaluronic Acid Facial Wash
31 components
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Same concentration of Lauric Acid Position 2 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 12 vs. 3
Salicylic Acid Daily Gentle Cleanser
21 components
Less Water Position 2 vs. 1
Less Lauric Acid Position 6 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 9 vs. 3
Same concentration of Water Position 1 vs. 1
Much less Lauric Acid Position 23 vs. 2
Much less Sodium Laureth Sulfate Position 8 vs. 3
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