Dupes for ARCONA Reozone SPF 40
We have found 4 dupes for ARCONA Reozone SPF 40 in composition and properties. They also contain , Isopropyl Palmitate, Perfluorononyl Dimethicone, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate.
Total found: 4
Less Isopropyl Palmitate Position 8 vs. 4
Much less Perfluorononyl Dimethicone Position 15 vs. 5
Much less Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate Position 12 vs. 6
UV Physical SPF 41 Sunscreen
24 components
Same concentration of Isopropyl Palmitate Position 4 vs. 4
Less Perfluorononyl Dimethicone Position 7 vs. 5
Same concentration of Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate Position 6 vs. 6
Reozone 40 SPF 40
20 components
Very similar product!
Same concentration of Isopropyl Palmitate Position 4 vs. 4
Same concentration of Perfluorononyl Dimethicone Position 5 vs. 5
Same concentration of Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate Position 6 vs. 6
UV Physical Tinted Face Sunscreen SPF 41
25 components
Much less Isopropyl Palmitate Position 10 vs. 4
Much less Perfluorononyl Dimethicone Position 16 vs. 5
Much less Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate Position 13 vs. 6
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