Antiacne agent

Antiacne agents help to remove acne and prevent bacteria growth. These components usually have bacteria killing and anti-microbial properties.

Salicylic Acid4300Skin conditioning agent, Antiacne agent, Antidandruff agent, Exfoliant, Fragrance ingredient, Hair conditioning, Keratolytic, Masking, Preservative
Sulfur210Skin conditioning agent, Antiacne agent, Antidandruff agent, Antiseborrhoeic, Antistatic agent, Hair conditioning
Candida Bombicola/Glucose/Methyl Rapeseedate Ferment147Antiacne agent, Antimicrobial agent, Antiseborrhoeic, Biocide, Cleansing agent, Deodorant, Surfactant
Benzoyl Peroxide102Antiacne agent, Oxidizing agent
Resorcinol17Antiacne agent, Fragrance ingredient, Hair colorant, Masking
2023 - 2025

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